
Mr. Rick Richard

StaffUpApp LLC

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StaffUpApp LLC


Most firms today rely on outdated methods of engagement and retention with candidates.

StaffUpApp solves this by:
⦁ Utilize push notifications and texting to boost open and response rates in addition to job visibility
⦁ Activate passive talent by driving referrals from their network
⦁ Get more applicants and referrals via a simple app-based apply and referral process

Many firms today struggle to effectively differentiate their brand from the competition.

StaffUpApp solves this by:
⦁ Engage with candidates where they currently spend 86% of their time when on their phones (mobile apps), (14% on web browsers)
⦁ Provide your candidates a branded mobile app to utilize - your jobs only, your brand, personalized engagement
⦁ Leverage the high open rates of push notifications and texting for referrals/job match alerts, versus the traditional email-based methods (low open rate)Most referral programs are ineffective and/or under-utilized

Staffing firms that don’t embrace the digital transformation are at risk.

StaffUpApp solves this by:
⦁ Transform your referral program from analog to digital
⦁ Active and passive candidates can easily refer friends from phone contacts in the app

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