Volunteer Opportunity Details

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Signup Deadline: 11-06-2020
Starts: 01-01-2021
Ends: 12-31-2021


2021 ASA Office-Administrative Section Council

Committee Description
The office–administrative section council advises the ASA board of directors and staff on sector-specific issues and priorities. The council also develops sector-specific resources for ASA membership on an as-needed basis as well as coordinates professional development and networking opportunities for members in the office-administrative section. The office administrative section serves firms that place secretaries, general office clerks, receptionists, administrative assistants, word-processing and data entry operators, cashiers, and other office administrative workers.

Our Ideal Volunteer Candidate
We are looking for members with job titles ranging from director to business owner. Members should have at least 3 years of office-administrative staffing experience to qualify as a section council volunteer. We are also seeking one early career professional with less than seven years of staffing experience to participate on this council as well. 

Goals and Priorities
The office-administrative section council will explore resources, education, and networking opportunities around the following topics that have been identified by the 2020 section council.

  • Recruiter coaching, metrics, and KPIs
  • Staying relevant in the rise of technology
  • Defining growth and evolution in office–administrative staffing
  • Selling office-administrative services to clients in the rise of large-scale job boards

The section council will also explore additional relevant issues for professional development and networking opportunities for ASA office-administrative section members. The section council will plan at least 2 educational webinars as well as hold bi-monthly section networking calls.

Time Commitment
The time commitment for ASA section council members is 1-2 hours per month. Members are required to attend at least 75% of section council calls.

Volunteers Needed:

20 (6 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary




Michela Gaviorno Taylor