By: BrightMove Staffing Software
Google+ is a relative newcomer (though overall, it’s not really new) in the space of social media, particularly how it can be utilized in the workplace. With features similar to Facebook and Twitter, the Google+ model is similar to that of other networking sites, offering the ability to create a base of “followers” and push marketing through news releases and other branding/advertising strategies. In more detail, Forbes describes a few distinct differences. “Google+’s “Promote” option allows you to customize your promotional content by creating different groupings of followers that you can then market differently to, and their “Measure” feature gives businesses an interactive measurement of how their Google+ page is being used. Google+ also offers a tutorial for businesses which gives advice on how best to use its features.”
Early strategies enlisting the help of Google+ tended to be geared toward more technical recruitment, and this may still be the case. With 250 million accounts and 150 million active users (some sources peg this closer to 500 million accounts and 250 million active users), it’s probably a safe bet that employees from all backgrounds have the potential to be solicited from Google+. The site allows users to create groups or “circles” where common interests or backgrounds are shared. This feature can be used beneficially by employers to target specific groups matching desired characteristics. Employers can also create their own circles in order to add potential talent or current employees.
Other Google+ features include Google Hangouts. Google Hangouts are similar to Skype, providing a channel for companies to conduct virtual interviews or career fairs and Q&A sessions with applicants (or employees if desired). Google Hangouts On Air is the same concept, just broadcast through YouTube. Website Social Talent suggests that SEO for businesses was given a boost when Google “integrated Company Pages with Google search listings making having a Google+ Business Page essential”. The development of communities also created a way to develop current “circles” to “reach people around the world who’re interested in the same things that you are”.
It is fairly simple to join a Google+ Community for those that aren’t familiar. After logging in to your Google+ account, perform a search for a specific type of group you are interested in joining by entering a keyword in the main search bar. Filter the results by “communities”. Click the group you would like to become a part of and select “Join Community”. That’s it! Once you are part of a community, you can start communicating with the members and Presto Chango! You have generated a virtual talent pool now at your disposal.
The options and possibilities of Google+ Circles and Hangouts are extensive, from holding online group conversations to interviews. The communication flow and ability to connect make it no surprise Google+ is one of the fastest growing social media sites in popularity. Get on Google+ and explore the potential for your organization!
For a detailed explanation of how to use Google+, click here to see a slideshare presentation posted by Sirona Consulting.
Comment with any other ideas you have used or come across for utilizing Google+!
For more recruiting and engagement strategies, continue on in the Social Media Series for articles about: LinkedIn. Facebook. Twitter. YouTube. Pinterest. Instragram. Yammer. Quora, Dribbble, and GitHub. Also look into advice on Managing Employee Use of Social Media, How to Create A Social Media Policy and Social Media Branding and Marketing strategies.