
How Google’s New Changes This Summer Might Impact Staffing and Recruiting Firms

By Ryan Maher posted 05-14-2013 16:31

Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s Web Spam team, announces some changes to Google’s search algorithm coming in the next few weeks and months.  Here are some key takeaways:

  1. Google will be taking a closer look at inbound links to determine if they are valid inbound links or paid links.  The more high-quality, non-paid inbound links you have, the better! 

  2. Adding good, relevant and useful content to your website is the key to driving traffic and improving search rankings.

  3. Google is rewarding “Authorities” on given topics with higher page rank.  So that means that if you can become a recognized thought-leader in your industry, area of expertise or geographic market, you could benefit from much higher search rankings.  How do you do this?  By blogging, writing content, building strong social networks, and by publishing content that others share and engage with. 




05-21-2013 10:34

Hi Joan,
Thank you for the question! Of course, these changes impact all firms that have an interest in being found by those searching for their services, not just those in staffing.

Haley has just updated our "Staffing SEO 101 Guide" for 2013 to specifically address how staffing firms can get ahead of the changes Google is announcing here.
First and foremost, as mentioned on page 8, your website needs fresh, relevant content. And it needs to be written in a way that appeals to both the human reader, as well as the search engine!
As we monitor Google Analytics on over 300 staffing websites currently, we see the gap widening between the results of those acting on the takeaways listed above, and those remaining static. Our clients who share unique and timely content four times a month see an average increase of 253% in web traffic.
The guide linked above is a great start for learning more about what is working for staffing firms, and what action will be needed to stay current as the major search engines keep advancing their intelligence. Here's the link again:
All the best!

05-21-2013 10:00

Hi Ryan,
Your article headline says 'might impact staffing and recruiting firms'. How so?
Joan Pajari