Be Featured in Member Sound Off

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Starts: 07-31-2024


We're looking for members to share their expertise and we may feature you in a future Member Sound Off article in Staffing Success magazine

Sound Off contributors provide a 3-5 sentence response for the Sections Sound Off column in Staffing Success magazine. The response will be related to a particular topic and how that topic relates to a specific sector of the industry (engineering, IT, and scientific; health care; industrial; office–administrative; professional–managerial; and search and placement).

To be eligible to contribute to Sections Sound Off, you or your firm should focus a significant amount of your business in one sector of the staffing industry.

If interested, complete the application below, and we will be in touch. 

Please note, Staffing Success is published bi-monthly and has a strict editorial deadline. If selected, our team will be in touch and provide those addtional specifics. 

Volunteers Needed:

40 (34 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary




Diana Mertz
American Staffing Association